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Both snowmobiling and ATVs are an important part of Vermont's year-round recreation and economy, and popularity is increasing every year. Properties with access to or near a trail are a high selling point for buyers. People from all over the country come to our area to access our ever-expanding trail systems, view Vermont's scenery, and patronize local establishments. Vermont welcomes outdoor enthusiasts all year long!

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Click on the VAST logo for more information about snowmobiling in Vermont, rules and requirements, an interactive trail map with up-to-date conditions, season dates, local clubs, and more. 

VAST logo
VASA logo
polaris ride command logo
vermont atv sxs vasa trails sanville real estate realtor real estate agent

Click on the VASA logo for more information about using ATV/SXS in Vermont, rules and requirements, season dates, local clubs, and more. Many roads are open to ATVs but each town is different. Polaris Ride Command is a great option for viewing ATV trails in Vermont, and is available via an app for cell phones.

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